In the world of martial arts and cinematic action, connections between like-minded individuals often lead to extraordinary collaborations.
In the ever-evolving landscape of martial arts and self-improvement, unique encounters often spark new ideas and partnerships.
A Memorable End to 2024: Highlights from Our Final Kung Fu Seminar
Dmitry Prosvirov recently had the incredible honor of attending the Black Belt Street Smart Survival System Annual Gathering, a prestigious event that brought together some of the finest martial artists from across the nation.
November 17 2024, my son Mark and I had the privilege of attending the Amazing Asian Motion Movie Festival in Culver City.
We are excited to invite you to our 17th seminar on Sunday, November 17, 2024, at the Golden Dragon Martial Arts Club
On November 16, 2024, the Martial Arts History Museum marked a significant milestone: The 25th anniversary celebration was an extraordinary event, gathering the finest martial artists from around the world who have built strong connections with the museum over the years.
Overall, feedback was positive, with many expressing eagerness to continue their martial arts journey and participate in future seminars.
At the Martial Arts Hall of Fame event in May 2024, Master Kung Fu Dmitry Prosvirov had the pleasure of meeting Sumya Anani, a celebrated figure in her own discipline of yoga and aerial fitness.
In May 2024, Kung Fu Master Dmitry had the honor of attending the prestigious Martial Arts Hall of Fame event, a gathering of martial arts legends and rising stars alike.